calla lily is exquisite.
work is just beautiful!"
really liked your photo/art. When I look at something like that,
it makes me feel that there is a lot to life that most of us don't
usually bother to recognize exists...I've been a little sad lately,
but your work lifted my mood. Thank you for showing me the
beauty that exists. " Denise McCool
"Thank you so much for your lovely thoughts and your gorgeous
works. . . .Certainly, you need exposure and the world needs your
beauty, vision and talent." SSL
are an inspiration--your positive outlook , the way you see the
world and share that vision with others through your artistic
creativity, and energy....and your generosity of spirit..." Judith Schwab
I love the additions
to your site. Fantasy Landscapes are wonderful. I know I'll always
feel good when I browse your site. Holly
"I have
given boxed note cards to people as gifts in the past, but they
always seemed kind of a humdrum gift. These, on the contrary, are
met with gasps and exclamations of 'I can't believe how beautiful
they are!' " Evelyn Ostrow Aharon
pic and the cards came; they exceeded my expectations; thank you
so much !! What lovely work and quality!" Vilma Novak
package came and all I can say is the cards are magnificent, each
and every one of them. You're fantastic. I can become addicted to
them. " Caren Tate
"It is [] really wonderful!!!!!!!
You've created such a distinctive look.....real and surreal combined.....Do
people wonder whether they're seeing a photo and/or a drawing???? Deena Miller
"I purused your web site for quite a while. It's beautiful.
I especially like the cards and the large photo images of flowers,
puddles, etc. They are wonderfully playful. It is also a very handsome
and user friendly web site." Ursula Ruedenberg
"Amazing! Thank you for thinking enough of me to share your
work with me."JT
To add your comments,
write to Sheila